Scott has been receiving considerable support from across Canada in his quest to lead the PC Party and the country. Look below to see who is supporting Scott and what they are saying: Recent Brison Endorsements!
Dr. Clifford Albert, former Co-Chair of the Bachand Team Wes Fudge, Canadore College Brison Delegate Jeremy Birnie, Dalhousie Kings College Brison Delegate
"I have been privileged to campaign beside Scott, and know him to be a loyal friend and an exceptionally gifted Member of Parliament, full of bold and innovative ideas. Scott has always put the interests of the Progressive Conservative Party ahead of his own, and is genuinely committed to his constituents and to his country. I believe he would make an excellent Leader." Catherine Clark Elected BRISON delegate in Trinity-Spadina "Scott Brison is like a breath of fresh air for a party that requires rejuvenation. With ideas, vision and energy to burn, he has the ability to attract Canadian voters from across the country and to lead us back into government. Hon. Ron Atkey PC QC MP for St. Paul's 1972-74 and 1979-80 “I heard Scott for the first time several years ago when he spoke at our association's breakfast; all of us were impressed with the ease and creative ways he approached the finances of our country. I hear him now, listen to his plans for national renewal and am first relieved that things don't have to go on with variations of re-jigging the present, and then become excited with the prospect of HOPE--there can be change. It reminds me of the days when I sat on the government benches and we had a leader that wasn't afraid to break with the past, had courage to tackle seemingly intractable issues with new approaches. Scott has ideas, works them out with others, and presents to us a plan that is fresh, makes sense, and assures us of a definable goal. That's what gives us hope.” Benno Friesen, Surrey – White Rock MP 1974-1993 "The PC Party is at a crossroads where we must choose between irrelevance or resuming our place as a principled, visionary alternative to the present government. I support Scott Brison as the person best qualified to make us a party of consequence once again and ultimately to lead us back to power." Tom Goodman, Q.C. Former Manitoba Vice President, PC Party of Canada and Candidate of Record for Selkirk-Interlake "Scott stands for core conservative principles such as economic liberty, personal freedom, and social responsibility. He knows the Progressive Conservative Party needs renewal and he challenges us to renew. He knows that youth who are apathetic about federal politics must be excited by ideas relevant to them to become involved. He knows that Canadians are thirsting for a clear alternative to the Liberals to form government. With his passion, commitment, and bold new ideas I am confident he will unite and inspire enough Canadian voters, campaign workers and candidates to form a new government. He will lead the restoration of effective democracy to Canada in accordance with the core principles of conservatism that he espouses." David G. Newman, Q.C. Candidate of Record for Winnipeg South Centre Former Cabinet Minister for the Filmon Government “Canadians need a leader who can address their needs and share their aspirations. I believe Scott Brison is that person at this time.” Darryl Gray MP for Bonaventure--Îles-de-la-Madeleine (1984-1993) “It's a Values Thing..... In Scott Brison,I see a full range of the ethical values our Progressive Conservative Party and our country need to prosper in a changing and challenging world. His integrity,fairness,caring and honesty are key qualities evident in his day-to-day efforts to build a better society. I am also aware that the pursuit of excellence and accountability are hallmarks of his political career and I am confident that these enduring values will remain constant throughout his leadership.” Kay Stanley (Ottawa) Former Assistant Deputy Minister and former President of the Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada (APEX) “I know of no other candidate who has shown such steadfast loyalty to our party, and conviction towards making Canada once again the greatest country in the world in which to live. Scott has the vision to captivate Canadians, the intellect to engage Canadians, and the passion to lead Canadians. Scott will usher in a new and exciting era for our party and our country.” Bob Young President, Calgary Southeast PC Association Chairman, Alberta Presidents Council "Good luck, Scott! You are our best hope for victory in the next general election." Andrew Johnson President, Waterloo-Wellington "To listen to Scott Brison is to recognize a man of great substance. To talk with Scott Brison is to discover a man of great empathy". Judith Seidman Vice présidente (Québec)/ Vice President (Quebec) Parti progressiste-conservateur du Canada/ Progressive Conservative Party of Canada "I am supporting Scott Brison for the Leadership of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada because he has a vision of a market-oriented economy that builds on the huge achievements of the Mulroney Government. Scott seeks a large, inclusive party where all principled conservatives can see their ideas reflected." Stanley H. Hartt, Toronto It is time for generational change and new ideas - Scott represents both. His contributions to the party, caucus and policy development has been outstanding. With his driving energy for politics and business acumen he will make a formidable leader. Libby Burnham, Toronto "I'm supporting Scott because of his ideas based approach to politics. Scott doesn't just criticize, he offers constructive well researched solutions to our country’s problems. Scott will provide the vibrant, new, ideas based, charismatic leadership that Canada so desperately needs." Truper McBride PC Candidate of Record, Wild Rose President, Wild Rose PC Association Stephen Somerville Chair - Metro & Region President's Council "Scott has an incredible ability to engage, inspire and relate to young Canadians. He's not afraid to take a risk and has the experience, charisma and ideas to lead our Party straight to 24 Sussex." Dave Prisco Vice President - Anglophone, PC Youth Federation of Canada “Scott is one of the strongest supporters of the youth that the PC Party of Canada has. I am pleased to support him in his bid to be the next leader of this Party because when you vote for Scott you know what you are getting.” Kiley Thompson Communications Director, Ontario PC Youth Association "I think the next campaign will be about change. Not change as a marketing slogan, but rather real genuine change. You need three things to be a credible voice for change. You need to have truly bold and innovative ideas, you need to have the courage to leave the comfort of the beaten path and pitch those ideas, and you need to be pretty smart to come up with realistic ideas and sell them to Canadians. That, in a nutshell, is a good description of Scott Brison." Claude Thibault President, Mont Royal PC Association “What sold me on Scott Brison was his integrity. When he spoke at our fundraiser he was not afraid to handle tough questions or admit that he did have a complete answer to give. Instead of sliding around the questions as many politicians would, he spoke honestly, openly and passionately about his beliefs. My admiration and respect for Mr. Brison was sealed after hearing him speak that day.” Aaron Brown President, Edmonton Centre-East PC Association “In my opinion, Scott Brison is a natural leader blessed with the happy but rare combination of energy, vision, compassion and honesty. Bright and articulate, Scott impresses me by his vision and passion for Canada and Canadians. Young, energetic and confident he acts as a guiding light to the several thousand Canadians who are looking for inspired leadership and common sense solutions adapted to the New World realities. I am confident about his abilities and capabilities both to lead the PC Party and offer to Canadians a true alternative to the current regime of professional politicians. Col. Michel W. Drapeau (Ottawa) Candidate 1997 Election "I support Scott Brison because he's intelligent and has great ideas for the country. Partisan politics is less important to me than supporting smart, capable, credible people. Scott Brison will be an outstanding leader.” Nancy Branscombe 2000 Canadian Alliance Candidate (London North Centre) former Campaign Manager for the United Alternative Campaign “Scott Brison has demonstrated with his ideas - including scrapping the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and EI reform - that he has the vision and courage to give Canadians the government they need. He would make an outstanding leader of the Progressive Conservative Party.” Dan Tidball Candidate of Record-Vancouver South Burnaby "Scott has the credentials, the fire, and the vision to win seats in Winnipeg and the West." Curtis Moore Candidate of Record, Charleswood St. James Assiniboia « Scott Brison offre aux canadiens une nouvelle vision de leadership. Sous son leadership, notre parti proposera des politiques audacieuses en matières fiscales et sociales qui contrastreront par rapport aux vieilles idées du passé.» François Dion Président du Conseil Régional de Québec Ancien président des Jeunes PC du Québec (AJPCQ) Candidat 2000, Portneuf "Scott Brison is the only PC leadership candidate that has committed to eliminating wasteful and useless regional development agencies such as WED and ACOA. I support Scott Brison because his policies demonstrate that he has the strongest commitment to common sense fiscal conservatism of any major PC leadership candidate in years. I agree with his commitments to seriously reduce taxes, respect provincial rights, improve the EI system, and improve our trade and security relations with the United States. Canada needs his vision. The Progressive Conservative party needs his leadership." Liam O’Brien Policy Director, Nova Scotia Young PC’s Policy Director, Dalhousie-Kings University PC Campus Association President, Grand Falls - Buchans PC Youth Association (Newfoundland provincial) "Scott Brison possess the energy, drive and determination to carry this party and our nation through the 21st century. During a time of rejuvination we need a strong young, ambitious face...Scott Brison is ready to meet the needs of all Party Members and Canadians to serve as our Leader and next Prime Minister" Conor Lloyd President Manitoba PC Youth Association “Scott is the only candidate that will be able to inspire generational change and beat the Liberals in the next election!” Matt Walker 2nd Vice President – Ontario PC Youth Association "Scott has the vision and character to be a great leader for this party and our country. The ideas he brings to the race are innovative, he's a strong listener with an open mind." Kevin McPhee President, PC McGill "Every time I meet Scott Brison I am left with increased confidence of both his intelligence and electoral appeal. Scott is able to bring clarity to complex issues and a sense of purpose to our policies, both are qualities which we need right now!" Anders Sorensen, Vice-President, Progressive Conservative McGill Scott Brison is one of the few politicians who understand policy AND people. But more than anything else, his integrity and political courage have convinced me that he is the right man not only for the Progressive Conservative Party, but for Canada. James Murphy President, Ottawa Vanier PC Youth | back to endorsements | back to top |
Others supporting Scott include: MP John Herron Manitoba Senator Janis Johnson Senator Donald H. Oliver Senator Lowell Murray Roland J. Thornhill Deputy Premier of Nova Scotia 1978-1991 Ken Steven Past-President of Perth-Middlesex Provincial PC Association Kim Linkletter Alberta Vice-President, PC Party of Canada Warren Howard Ontario Vice-President, PC Party of Canada Irene Swindells Nova Scotia Vice-President, PC Party of Canada M. Robert Archambault President of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada-- Quebec Wing (Aile Quebecoise) M. Barbara Walker Official Agent PC Party of Nova Scotia Brian MacIntosh Secretary, Nova Scotia PC Association Greg McLean President, Alberta PC Youth (1986-87) Special Assistant to Hon. Harvie Andre (1987 - 1991) Special Assistant to Hon. Jean Corbeil, Minister of Transport (1991-1993) Jeff Browaty Past President, Manitoba PC Youth Association Andrew Currie President, Nova Scotia Young PC’s Blake Robert President, Alberta Provincial PC Youth Matt Power President, PEI PC Youth Veronica Linkletter President, Alberta Federal PC Youth Mary Ann Dewey-Plante Vice President - Francophone, PC Youth Federation of Canada Anna Curtis-Steele 2000 Election Candidate, Sydney-Victoria PC Riding Association Alastair Johnson 2000 Election Candidate, South Surrey-White Rock-Langley PC Riding Association Lee Johnson Candidate of Record, Vancouver Centre PC Riding Association Lorrie Johnson Candidate of Record, London North Centre PC Riding Association Derrall Bellaire Candidate of Record and past President, London Fanshawe PC Riding Association Curtis R. MacDonald Candidate of Record and past President, Delta - South Richmond PC Riding Association David Sutherland President, Provencher PC Riding Association Darren Buchanan President, Brant PC Association Dennis Almon President, Sydney-Victoria PC Association Mark Bettens President, Bras d’Or-Cape Breton PC Association Dale Palmeter President, Halifax PC Association Tom Hooper Constituency Director, PC Youth Federation of Canada Michael Lawlor Recruitment Director, Nova Scotia Young PC’s Will Szubielski Treasurer, Nova Scotia Young PC’s Michael J. White Ottawa Vanier PC Associaton Rob Leone President, McMaster University Provincial PC Association Michael Aubie Vice President, Acadia University Progressive Conservatives Leslie Morrison President, Nipissing Federal PC Youth Association | back to others supporting Scott | back to top |