La campagne de Scott pour diriger le Parti PC et le pays rallie un soutien considérable à la grandeur du Canada. Vous pouver lire ici des témoignages d’appui qu’il a reçus. « Scott Brison offre aux canadiens une nouvelle vision de leadership. Sous son leadership, notre parti proposera des politiques audacieuses en matières fiscales et sociales qui contrastreront par rapport aux vieilles idées du passé.» François Dion Président du Conseil Régional de Québec Ancien président des Jeunes PC du Québec (AJPCQ) Candidat 2000, Portneuf
"To listen to Scott Brison is to recognize a man of great substance. To talk with Scott Brison is to discover a man of great empathy". Judith Seidman Vice présidente (Québec)/ Vice President (Quebec) Parti progressiste-conservateur du Canada/ Progressive Conservative Party of Canada “It's a Values Thing..... In Scott Brison,I see a full range of the ethical values our Progressive Conservative Party and our country need to prosper in a changing and challenging world. His integrity,fairness,caring and honesty are key qualities evident in his day-to-day efforts to build a better society. I am also aware that the pursuit of excellence and accountability are hallmarks of his political career and I am confident that these enduring values will remain constant throughout his leadership.” Kay Stanley (Ottawa) former Assistant Deputy Minister and former President of the Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada(APEX) “Canadians need a leader who can address their needs and share their aspirations. I believe Scott Brison is that person at this time.” Darryl Gray MP for Bonaventure--Îles-de-la-Madeleine (1984-1993) "Scott has the vision and character to be a great leader for this party and our country. The ideas he brings to the race are innovative, he's a strong listener with an open mind." Kevin McPhee President, PC McGill "Every time I meet Scott Brison I am left with increased confidence of both his intelligence and electoral appeal. Scott is able to bring clarity to complex issues and a sense of purpose to our policies, both are qualities which we need right now!" Anders Sorensen, Vice-President, Progressive Conservative McGill Mary Ann Dewey-Plante VP – Francophone, PC Youth Federation of Canada M. Robert Archambault President of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada-- Quebec Wing (Aile Quebecoise) | haut de page |