Celebrating New England Planters

Saturday, March 20, 2022

House of Commons Debates


Friday, March 19, 2010

Statements by Members

New England Planters

Hon. Scott Brison (Kings-Hants, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, 2010 marks the 250th anniversary of the arrival of the New England Planters in Nova Scotia. In 1760 the first of about 8,000 planters settled in the province. Many planter descendants still live on the original land grants, in some cases still farming the land.

The Planter Studies Centre of Acadia University, which supports and promotes research on the New England Planters, will host the fifth conference on the New England Planters in Wolfville, from June 17 to 20. The conference theme is "the next generation", and will explore the development of communities, religious and social institutions, family networks, economic activity, politics and warfare and planter relations with other ethnocultural groups subsequent to their arrival in the 1760s.

We look forward to the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the arrival of New England Planters and their contribution to helping build a better Nova Scotia and a better Canada.


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B4P 1C4

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Ottawa Office - Scott Brison, M.P. 
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House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
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Email: Brison.S@parl.gc.ca

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