Brison ask where are the opportunities and jobs for young Canadians.

Friday, March 09, 2022

Source :  Hansard

          House of Commons Debates 

                                 OFFICIAL REPORT (HANSARD)

                               Friday, March 9, 2012 

 Hon. Scott Brison (Kings—Hants, Lib.): 

Mr. Speaker, young Canadians are facing a jobs crisis. Our youth lost another 27,000 jobs just last month. We now have the worst youth jobs numbers in 10 years. Since September 2008, young workers have lost almost 300,000 jobs. An entire generation of Canadians is losing hope, with no real job experience and no real prospects for jobs after graduation.


Why will the Conservatives not step up to the plate with a real program to provide real opportunities and real jobs for young Canadians  


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