Government must break up bloated budget bill
Monday, May 07, 2021
House of Commons Debates
Monday, May 7, 2012
Hon. Scott Brison (Kings—Hants, Lib.):
Mr. Speaker, the budget bill completely rewrites Canada's environment laws. In the Senate, the Liberals asked that the bill be split up so that the relevant Senate committee could study it. The government actually agreed.
Since the Conservatives agreed to break up the bloated bill for Senate committee study, why not the same for the elected House? Even better, and following the same logic, why will the Conservatives not break up the bill into separate pieces of legislation so we can not only study them individually at committee but we can actually vote on each part? Why will the Conservative members of Parliament not do their job?
Why will they not allow the members of Parliament on the other side to do their job?
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