EI changes will hurt local farms

Thursday, May 24, 2021

Today the Conservatives announced changes that will place local farms – and local farm jobs – at risk.

Human resources minister Diane Finley is making hasty changes to Employment Insurance (EI) and the Temporary Foreign Worker Program without consulting agricultural workers or business owners. 

Yesterday, Scott met with local agriculture leaders in Wolfville, Nova Scotia to discuss these programs. One farmer told Scott: “If we don’t have access to foreign workers, we’re done. That’s it, we’re closed.” Another said without the program that “none of us will be here and hand-harvested horticulture will end.”

These changes are part of the 425-page budget bill that the government is rushing through Parliament. 

Today Scott wrote to Minister Diane Finley to share the concerns of local farmers. You can read the full letter here: http://www.brison.ca/images/newsmanager/collateral/Min%20%20Finley%20-%20EI%20changes%20-%20May%2024%202012.pdf

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