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Canada and Nova Scotia move forward on twinning of Highway 101

Friday, October 14, 2021

Federal Public Works Minister and Kings-Hants MP Scott Brison (left) looks on as Deputy Premier, Minister of Transportation and Hants West MLA Ron Russell signs the Highway Agreement in Windsor on Oct. 11. Phase 2 of the Highway 101 twinning project has begun in St. Croix with overpass construction.

Photo: Kentville Advertiser


The Honourable Scott Brison, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, together with the Honourable Ronald Russell, Nova Scotia Deputy Premier and Minister of Transportation and Public Works, signed a Canada-Nova Scotia Highway Agreement in October, permitting $61 million to flow to the twinning of sections of Highway 101 and Highway 104.

"The Government of Canada is proud to partner with Nova Scotia to make our roads safer and to support the regional economy," said Minister Brison. "Today's announcement is an important step closer to making these projects a reality for the people and communities which rely on Highway 101 and Highway 104."

The signing of the $61-million agreement follows work to establish engineering design and construction details, eligible costs, and a schedule for the work, which is expected to be completed in 2010. The Highway 101 portion of the agreement funds the twinning of two highway sections between Falmouth and Avonport, and St.Croix and Wentworth Road.

The federal contribution of up to $30.5 million comes from the $4 billion Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund (CSIF), which supports large-scale projects of major national and regional significance, in areas that are vital to sustaining economic growth and supporting an enhanced quality of life for Canadians.

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