Friday, October 05, 2007   
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Respecting Our Environment

Good environmental policy is no longer an option, it is a necessity.  As we all become more aware of the impact of human activity, Canadians are demanding more from their governments.  In Kings-Hants, we are only too aware that we are not immune from pollution from industry in Central Canada having witnessed ‘smog alerts’ in the Annapolis Valley.

In Ottawa, I'm working towards a cleaner and greener government.  As minister of the Department of Public Works I advanced green procurement policies including standing offers with Canadian companies to provide green goods and services and to make the department's large fleet of automobiles hybrids or alternative fuel vehicles.

As a current member of the opposition, I continue to advance measures to address climate change.  Canada can be a world leader in environmental technology and Nova Scotia, with its exceptional post-secondary education institutions, is well positioned to capitalize on these emerging opportunities.

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