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Brison asks government why it's killing the auto sector

Thursday, February 15, 2022
Source :  Hansard


House of Commons Debates




Thursday, February 15, 2007






Hon. Scott Brison (Kings—Hants, Lib.):  


Mr. Speaker, the industry minister's think tank calls government investment in the auto sector an “ineffective subsidy program”.

The last industry minister, now the trade minister, knew how to help out the auto sector. He was part of a Liberal government that invested over $400 million in the auto sector because that was a Liberal government with a plan to help the auto sector. That plan was killed by the new Minister of Industry just as he is killing the auto sector in Canada.

Obviously the new industry minister does not know how to help the auto sector. Why does he not simply walk over and talk to the old industry minister?



Hon. Scott Brison (Kings—Hants, Lib.):  


Mr. Speaker, the former industry minister accurately predicted that “the auto industry would collapse under a Conservative government”.

He also went further. He said that “if the Conservatives were in government today, there would not be $5 billion of investments in the automotive sector in Ontario”.

Why did the Minister of Industry kill that program on December 31 just when auto workers needed it most? Why is he allowing his right-wing ideology to kill real Canadian jobs?

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