I would like to thank the Honourable Dr. Rey Pagtakhan for being here, along with Don Ross and Cindy Woodhouse.
I’m delighted to be here today to launch my “Aboriginal Prosperity Agenda”. The Radisson hotel in downtown Winnipeg is the perfect location …a four star hotel owned by the First Nations here in Manitoba.
I want to tell you, I pledge to stand shoulder to shoulder with Canada’s aboriginal peoples until we close the opportunity gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians. I must say that I am inspired in my mission by the leadership the Rt. Hon. Paul Martin who as Prime Minister, and today as a Member of Parliament has always worked passionately to improve the lives of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples.
Paul Martin kept his promise. I want to build on that foundation to help Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples achieve their promise.
The Kelowna Accord was a step forward in establishing a framework to address social policy. We need to move beyond Kelowna to build strong economic policies. Without economic opportunity self-government and self-determination will never be a reality.
My Aboriginal Prosperity Agenda will help all Aboriginal peoples -- on reserve and off. We will help Aboriginal Youth and Urban Aboriginals break the vicious poverty cycle. I will work with Aboriginal leaders, municipal leaders and business leaders to improve health conditions, increase employment and incomes, achieve better education and above all help Aboriginal peoples share fully the opportunities and prosperity of a growing Canadian economy. My prosperity agenda will demand better accountability, with strong governance and transparency in all areas of social and economic strategy.
The Kelowna Accord set out development targets of increasing Aboriginal earned incomes, and employment, but did not set out a plan to achieve those objectives. Economic development was a future agenda item.
I stand here with my friends, with Aboriginal leaders, to say that a better economic future starts right here, today. We will harness the traditional treaty granted tax advantage as an economic driver. We will work with Aboriginal, business and municipal leaders to set up urban Aboriginal enterprise zones. We will partner with the Departments of Industry and International Trade to attract global capital and international investment for aboriginal businesses. We will work with communities to make home ownership equity a reality. We will strengthen and streamline economic development programs. We will improve access to venture capital with long term private sector investment and partnerships. We will reinstate and improve delivery of the INAC economic development fund – and partner with private sector capital and decision makers. We will build 21st Century transportation, broadband and telecommunication infrastructure.
I will strengthen the Aboriginal procurement policies of the federal government to ensure that aboriginal businesses have the opportunity to compete and succeed. I will seek to increase opportunities for Aboriginals in the Federal Public Service, and on federal boards. I will engage directly Canadian Corporate leaders to hire more Aboriginals, to appoint Aboriginals to corporate boards, and to buy from and invest in Aboriginal companies. I will make the case that harnessing the talent and entrepreneurial potential of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples is good for business.
We will reduce economic uncertainty by accelerating land claims settlement, providing the resources and attention it needs to get it done quicker.
There’s been a lot of discussion in recent years about the potential of relocating parts of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs. There may be a case to be made that better decisions result from government decision makers being located closer to the people being affected by those decisions. As such, there may also be a case to be made for cities like Winnipeg, or Regina, or Saskatoon. As Prime Minister, I would be open to business case proposals for potential new locations. Clearly, we would balance the goals of best value for tax payers and best services for Aboriginal Canadians.
My Aboriginal Prosperity Agenda will build better economic opportunities. My Aboriginal children and Youth Development Agenda will ensure that Aboriginal Youth will be prepared to harness and benefit from that opportunity. We will tackle the tough issues head on: from high school drop out rates and teenage suicide, to addiction and literacy issues. We will partner with aboriginal communities to close the gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children.
I will work with the Aboriginal Commission of the Liberal Party of Canada as a partner in progress. As leader of the Liberal Party, I will reach out to Aboriginal youth, and Aboriginal women to engage them in our party, as candidates, as MPs, to help us build a stronger Liberal party, better aboriginal opportunity, and a more inclusive Canada.
As Prime Minister, I will establish an Aboriginal Leadership Institute to groom young Aboriginals people as future Canadian private and public sector leaders.
Today’s anouncement is just the beginning.
I want to inspire Aboriginal peoples with real hope for a brighter future and pride in a stronger Canada.
Thank you.